Tuesday, January 24, 2012


the amount of caffeine in one thermos doesn't even get me through to 12:30.

i could have a high metabolism... or i'm an addict. i'm thinking the latter.

hello. welcome to the world of legal addictive stimulants.

1 comment:

  1. Joe Fox: [on the new Fox Books superstore] Hey, you know what? We should announce ourselves to the neighborhood. Just let them know, here we come.
    Kevin: Oh, no, this is the Upper West Side, man. We might as well tell 'em we're opening up a crack house. They're gonna hate us. Soon as they hear, they're gonna be lining up...
    Joe Fox, Kevin: - to picket the big bad chain store...
    Kevin: - that's out to destroy...
    Joe Fox: - everything they hold dear.
    Kevin: Yeah.
    Joe Fox: Do you know what? We are going to seduce them. We're going to seduce them with our square footage, and our discounts, and our deep armchairs, and...
    Joe Fox, Kevin: Our cappuccino.
    Joe Fox: That's right. They're going hate us at the beginning, but...
    Joe Fox, Kevin: But we'll get 'em in the end.
    Joe Fox: Do you know why?
    Kevin: Why?
    Joe Fox: Because we're going to sell them cheap books and legal addictive stimulants. In the meantime, we'll just put up a big sign: "Coming soon: a FoxBooks superstore and the end of civilization as you know it."

    joe fox totally has you. big, bad commercialism has you...

    dun dun dun!
