Wednesday, January 11, 2012


australian: so i would just like to say that you all should be very jealous of my intro to islam professor. he is Australian so it makes everything he says that much more interesting. he could turn out to be a terribly boring professor but he will ALWAYS be slightly LESS boring than any ol' american prof because of his glorious accent. the only way this could get better (actually it could get a lot better) is if he had a brit accent! sorry australians. and also sorry other UK countries. i wouldn't be able to understand any of your natives in a lecture hall. also his name is simon. and after i had first read this i immediately pictured a bald man. why? i don't know, but guess what. he is in fact bald. what a great intuition i have!

the hipster sport: i climbed yesterday. sunny took me. i felt very cool. in my climbing shoes and harness, listening to regina spektor on some climber's ipod. and also very silly at the same time. trying new things is stressful sometimes. the guy who fixed my brakes at the bike shop was there belaying climbers. you know how people you've seen before give you that knowing look but don't say anything. and then you keep catching their eyes as they look away because they're trying to place you... well that happened. one guy literally jumped, flew through the air, and grabbed onto the overhanging wall. he was a frickin acrobat. all in all very fun, though i was quite tuckered at the end. someday i'll be the coolest most awesome climber ever! maybe...

bipolar weather: i am sad that the weather turned sour. i wanted to wear my chacos with socks. despite fashion norms.

pride&prejudice: my roommate sunny discovered the gloriousness of pride and prejudice! the movie of course (i still have yet to convince any of my roommates to read it). after years of loving this book and idolizing elizabeth bennet, its protagonist, i thought i would eventually grow out of that certain way of thinking and move on. oh no. watching this movie again only assured me how much this fictional heroine has affected my thinking. i think the sudden holiday boom of engagements and unions has rekindled my personal satire towards relationships and such things. so pride and prejudice becomes all the more relevant in my life. i am still elizabeth bennet at heart, and now i doubt she will ever leave me.


"I cannot fix on the hour, or the look, or the words, which laid the foundation. It is too long ago. I was in the middle before I knew that I had begun."

- Jane Austen, Pride & Prejudice

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