Monday, February 6, 2012



when people get engaged,

i kinda wanna throw up.

i'm sure this sentiment will change,


today it finally snowed. my window is completely encrusted with whiteness as a result of a typically gusty nebraska wind. the snow is flipping between peaceful giant cotton balls and piercing needles. and so is my decision to venture to the outdoors.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

wash, rinse, repeat

oh gosh.

the cave by mumford has 110 plays on my itunes.

who's still obsessed? yeah... me.

poem by keri miller

last week i returned from a trip to athens GA, a city that for a brief weekend harbored many friends who shared in the same indescribable italian experience that i did last spring.  we cooked, we ate, we drank, we laughed together again, reminisced, and it felt like home. everything revolved around food and company, as it used to. here things revolve around jobs and homework and bills, and sometimes we forget to eat because we are too busy with other things. that weekend we all had time to enjoy our lives and each other's treasured existences. these things, like delicious hand- and homemade food, or friends with whom you can deeply connect and sit around the table with, were given to us for our enjoyment. and if you are blessed enough to have such things cherish and use them up until it's someone else's turn to be blessed. the lord wants us to celebrate the blessings he gives us. so take big bites and savor each one. because these beautiful blessings are just tastes of the future glory that the lord has prepared for those who love him.

this a poem is about cortona, italy. where i spent three glorious months of 2011. keri wrote this after our trip. and it's truer than you know, even a year later.

Long-Distance Relationship

I miss walking up the hill at night, slowly,
looking at the lights in the valley
of people's homes filled with conversations
we couldn't understand and the train
that we hadn't yet taken and the lake
we never swam in and the circus
we never went to--it left after a week.
Everything was so mysterious, it looked
like an unknown universe's constellation map.
Then it all became so familiar,
like the freckles I've always had on my left forearm,
and that's when it started to hurt.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


the amount of caffeine in one thermos doesn't even get me through to 12:30.

i could have a high metabolism... or i'm an addict. i'm thinking the latter.

hello. welcome to the world of legal addictive stimulants.

a place

i want to live in a place where you can order a vegan apple cranberry streusel topped pie and not be thought of as an anomaly/freak.  where people don't stumble at the like vegetarian and organic, and ask questions like, "oh... did it taste ok... i mean, like, was it like good..?" like i had just eaten dog brains.

i want to live in a place where chain restaurants are taboo, and mom and pop still own the local eateries and grocery stores.

i want to live in a place where bars are coffee shops by day and pubs by night.

i want to live in a place where you can pick strawberries and then make a pie that afternoon.

i want to live in a place where live music is impromptu and intimate.

i want to live in a place where the man is forgotten, and people have gone on with their lives, living in a place they created themselves, not inconsequentially structured by someone else. there is ownership, richness and pride in those places.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


i would just like to announce that my brother is reading my most beloved book: pride and prejudice!!!

and also that he's one of those really good english students that will actually read the entire book (unlike myself. i like to skim.) so therefore i can be confident that he is digesting the entirety of this lovely piece of literature.

the end.